All Cultures Worshipping Together.
BP Church desires to follow the heart of God which seeks to enfold people of every nation, tribe and language into the kingdom of God. (Rev 5:9-10; 7:9). As a church that welcomes people from every nation and every tribe we endeavour to mirror what Heaven will look like as we worship together. We are committed to sharing Jesus Christ boldly to the nations of the world as they arrive locally in our communities.
BP Church offers many opportunities for all cultures to make meaningful connections with each other through activities like Place at the Table while also offering cultural specific ministry like ESL Bible Studies, Conversation Café and English Language Learners classes through Agapé Language Centre.
These efforts reach our ever-changing community for Christ and mobilize our growing congregation for cross-cultural ministry. Our goal is to respond to the heart of God where every nation, tribe and language will grow deeper together in Christ.
Email Pastor Noral if you have questions or need assistance.
For more info contact BP Church main office