Ways to Give


Give Online

Giving online is very convenient and secure. It's also really simple to do. Just click the button below to get started!

Note* BP Church is now using Pushpay as our Giving Host. It’s secure, and will work better with our new app. Speaking of our APP, see the next way to give on how to download it. 


BP Church App

If you haven’t downloaded our updated mobile app yet, it’s worth checking out! There’s sermons, resources, and more. However, we want to highlight the giving feature! You can now securely give through the BP Church app. Set up one-time donations, or recurring payments if you’d like--all in 30 seconds or less.


Pre-authorized Payment

Your donation comes out automatically either the 1st or the 15th of each month from your chequing or savings account. It’s easy to setup!



We realize that not everyone is setup for online giving, or has a credit card. So we’ve setup e-transfers, so that you can use your bank account to send your tithe directly to BP Church. It’s safe, secure, and very easy to setup! Here’s how:

  1. Log into your online banking site

  2. Setup a new payee titled: “Beddington Pentecostal Church”

  3. For the email notification add: give@bpchurch.ca

  4. Designate your tithe in the message box by saying: “General”, “Missions”, “Capital Campaign Fund” and/or “Benevolence”. 

That’s it! A message will show up informing you that no password is necessary, because we’ve setup automatic deposits.

Mail-In Cheque

If you’re not comfortable with e-transfers, or your primary method of giving is by cheque, you can always mail your cheque directly to our office!

Please send your cheque to BP Church, 16 Bermuda Drive NW, Calgary, T3K 1H7, with a note of where to designate the funds: General, Missions, Capital Campaign Fund (ATK) and/or Benevolence. 



2024 Year-To-Date Budget: $1,700,000

Year to Date 2024 Received: $1,757,874

Thank you! You've helped us reach 103.4% of our goal.


2024 Year-To-Date Budget: $78,000

Year to Date 2024 Received: $75,055

Thank you! You've helped us reach 96.2% of our goal.

Questions? CLICK HERE to email our church accountant, Leslie Kokotilo.