Our Team
Mark and Andrea Williams
Mark was born in Nova Scotia, and his wife Andrea in Alberta, Canada. They were married in March 2001 and have two daughters – Brielle and Kristen-Joy.
Mark has been the lead pastor at BP Church in Calgary, Alberta, since 2012. Mark’s passion is to see individuals encounter the transforming power of Jesus and step into the life He makes available to them through His Spirit.
Mark received his degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, his Masters from Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and his Doctorate from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He has pastored in Canada and the United States since 1993.
Brandon Sarney | Associate Pastor
Noral Woodburn | Cross-Cultural
Afope Sanyade | Youth
Michaela Lykhosherstova | Youth Admin + Worship
Dennika Sarney | Elementary Ministry
Alayne Durand | Family Ministries
Andrea Williams | Women's Ministry
Jon Durand | Facilities + Men's Ministry

Christine Visser | Administration + Hospitality
Leslie Kokotilo | Executive Minister
Noah Slobodan | Young Adults
Sebastian Arroyave Moir | Worship + Communications
Ben McAlister | Worship + Arts
Meet Our Board Members

Temitayo Ajibade

Sola Akinbode

Lola Fapojuwo

Sam Lau

Stephen Mutizwa

Buki Okelana

Wanda Smith

Shelley Trimble