Community Care Groups will also provide opportunities for people to grow spiritually, to grow in their faith. The main goal is not just conversion but Christ likeness and so is important to find and foster creative environments for people to grow.


This team 3 or 4 people will foster spiritual growth in this group. They consider how to best facilitate life groups, accountability partnerships, as well as communicate to the group upcoming opportunities at BP for growth.


  • Launch a Life group based on the weekend service teaching

  • Organize a prayer-walk

  • Communicate prayer requests

  • Create a youversion.com Bible reading plan

  • Attend a class/course at BP together


  • Study Gateway

    Study Gateway


    This is a Bible study resource with hundreds of titles that can be watched as a group or by individuals who can come together to discuss as a group.

    Click here to sign up.

  • 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


    Try using the 21-Day Prayer Guide with the leaders in your Community.

    Click here for the 21-Day Prayer Guide.

  • Prayer Course


    The prayer course is a simple, easy course to run within your community. Find a few people/families that would love to do this course with you. It includes a short video, some discussion questions and a time of prayer.

    Please click here to access the course.

  • You Version Reading Plan


    Start a You Version Bible Reading Plan with several people in your community. Read, discuss, and comment on one of their many bible reading plans.

    Click here to start a plan today.

  • Accountability Group


    This is a structured group format that consists of bible reading, accountability questions, and prayer.

    Click to see a sample of the format. Contact your leader for a copy.

  • Attributes of God


    The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God's attributes'from wisdom, to grace, to mercy'and shows through prayerful and insightful discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects.

    Click to download the resource here.

  • Spiritual Practices

    These are 4 week spiritual practices that include teachings, handouts, and group discussions. Click this link to access studies.

  • Great Curriculum

    This website from Assemblies of God offers 4 growth tracks designed to engage in the Scripture from a variety of vantage points.

Community Care Groups are a gathering of people from BP Church who journey together to care for one another, grow spiritually, have fun, and advance God’s Kingdom.